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Author: Admin Date: 2024-02-08

The principle of semi-automatic tapping machine

1. Counting principle
CNC punch press is a machine tool that adopts computer numerical control technology. Its counting principle is to realize real-time control and feedback of the working status of the machine tool by monitoring various motion parameters in real time during the operation of the machine tool. When counting punches, the working status of the machine tool needs to be monitored, counted and calculated in real time to obtain accurate counting data.
2. Counting method
The counting methods of the punch press are divided into two types: manual counting and automatic counting. Manual counting counts by manually operating the machine tool, while automatic counting realizes automatic counting through the built-in counter of the machine tool. The specific steps of the two counting methods are introduced below.
1. Manual counting
Manual counting refers to the method of counting by manually operating the machine tool. Specific steps are as follows:
(1) During operation, use a manual counter to record the number of times the machine tool works.
(2) The counter displays the number of operations of the current machine tool, and the user can clear it or count it cumulatively.
(3) After the operation process is completed, record the counting results of the manual counter for statistics and analysis.
2. Automatic counting
Automatic counting refers to the method of counting using the automatic counter of the machine tool. Specific steps are as follows:
(1) Set the counting mode and counting range of the counter.
(2) Start the automatic counting function, monitor the working status of the machine tool, and automatically stop counting when the set counting range is reached.
(3) The automatic counter displays the number of operations of the machine tool, and the user can clear it or count it cumulatively.
(4) The automatic counting function can automatically export data to facilitate users’ statistics and analysis.
3. Practical skills
In addition to the counting methods introduced above, there are also some practical tips that can help users better master the operation of counting punches and improve work efficiency. Here are some of these tips:
1. Clean the machine tool regularly, preferably once a day, to avoid impurities entering the machine tool and causing counter failure.
2. Calibrate the counter regularly to avoid deviations and affect counting accuracy.
3. Back up data regularly to avoid data loss.
4. Set the counting method and counting range reasonably to meet actual production needs.
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